I Spy

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Mika, a student photographer, arrives in Reality, seeking a picture of Cosby's mangled corpse to sell to the tabloids. Graphically innovative, and it even has some replayability, because of the different pictures it's possible to take.
Created By: Anthony Hahn
Date Released: Sunday 8th April 2001
Game Engine: AGS
Playable character:
New characters:
Featured characters:
Davy Jones
Dead Bill Cosby
Elandra Desmond
Michael Gower
- Enter the Yahtzeebrand store.
- Buy the pooper-scooper. Leave the store and enter the alleyway to the west of the pub.
- Talk to the man until the spaceship appears, then take a photo (It's a conversation option). Search the box to get a bottle. Use it on the tap. Leave the alleyway.
- Take a photo of the chicken. Talk to it until it storms off, leaving some excrement on the road. Use the pooper-scooper on it. Go up the street next to the pizza place. Enter the hospital.
- Give the guy by the morgue door the cigarettes. Use the water and excrement on the plant. Touch the door then hide behind the plant. Follow the guy into the morgue.
- Open the closet and step in until the man leaves. Enter the next room.
- Open the drawers until you find the one Cosby is in. When you hear people coming, click on the drawers until you hide.
- When you're in the dark, use the lighter. Talk to the dead guy.
- Once outside the drawer again, leave the room.
- Open the closet and when Cosby wakes up, take a photo of him then hit the alarm.